Friday, March 25, 2005

My Colon operation 3rd anniversary

As I took time today to remember Good Friday, I also remembered the day that i experienced the most pain in my colon 3 years ago after my operation. I suffered from multiple polyposis (Symptoms may include diarrhea, bleeding from the end portion of the large intestine (rectum), fatigue, abdominal pain, and weight loss. If left untreated, affected individuals usually develop cancer of the colon and/or rectum.) at the age of 23. The operation took 1 meter of my big intestine. Haha by now you can guess how Old I am :)

3 Days after that painful & dreadful day, a miracle happened, I was able to move about in my ward. My parents were surprised to see that.

Jesus died for you and I on the cross where all the weight of our sins were placed upon Him, the perfect lamb of God who takes away our sins. He did not stopped there, but he rose again on the 3rd day!

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